Rage Forged [Battlerager]

Your cage expresses your rage. Spikes that are overly large protrude in every angle. And you are at the center of this ball of spiked fury that crosses a battlefield like it was a living cannonball. Pain your feel…

Power Forged [Battlerager]

Your cage is powered by divine or arcane arts, or even by technology. Whatever the case might be, light shines from its circuits, gently pulsing. Unless you slide those plates across the marks of power, of course.

Cage Forged [Battlerager]

You sleep in your cage, you bath in your cage, and you ARE your cage. The shell of stinking, sweaty metal has become one with your body (almost) and you have adapted a crust of thick skin yourself as well.

Battle Forged [Battlerager]

Protection is your main goal. Your battlerager cage is a bastion of defense, impenetrable for your enemies and a shield for your ward. You feel secure within you’re armor and can handle anything that comes your way.


Running ahead of his companions, his charge helmet pointing towards the enemy, he knows he will be the first one to wrack carnage. He can still smell the blood from the last battle within his steel cage and it drives him to run even harder.

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