Rage Forged [Battlerager]

Your cage expresses your rage. Spikes that are overly large protrude in every angle. And you are at the center of this ball of spiked fury that crosses a battlefield like it was a living cannonball. Pain your feel…

Power Forged [Battlerager]

Your cage is powered by divine or arcane arts, or even by technology. Whatever the case might be, light shines from its circuits, gently pulsing. Unless you slide those plates across the marks of power, of course.

Cage Forged [Battlerager]

You sleep in your cage, you bath in your cage, and you ARE your cage. The shell of stinking, sweaty metal has become one with your body (almost) and you have adapted a crust of thick skin yourself as well.

Battle Forged [Battlerager]

Protection is your main goal. Your battlerager cage is a bastion of defense, impenetrable for your enemies and a shield for your ward. You feel secure within you’re armor and can handle anything that comes your way.


You could be a travelling salesman, a shop owner, or you might run shops in more than one town. Whatever the case might be: You buy and sell goods to make a living. because of this, you know people.


You either own or lease a large amount of land, which you cultivate to make a living for yourself. You could support yourself or a boss by harvesting certain crops a couple of times per year, or by cultivating cattle for slaughter or milk production.


You are the backbone of society: building cities by cobbling the streets, pouring the foundations of houses and workspaces, creating wooden frames and laying bricks to build up walls, and working on the production lines that feed all its inhabitants.


Working for the boss, providing text for court, being an accountant at a bank, or making sure everything that is happening is managed in an orderly fashion. A clerk manages numbers and texts to support the workload…


Caretakers come in many forms. You could run a household, or you might watch over one or more children, or take care of the elderly. Sometimes, all of these are combined, in the form of the head of someone else’s household…

Marksman [Ranger]

You are a master in the use of your weapon. You have trained extensively with either the bow or the crossbow and, combined with your magic, you have learned to make it the deadliest weapon there is.

Way of Order [Monk]

The way of order dedicates itself to be beyond reproach. What they do cannot be questioned. Otherwise, what is the use of dedicating their lives to such a rigid daily routine, where law governs every step.

Blood Domain [Cleric]

Be it for the light or the dark, the blood domain lets you interfere in the blood flow of others, manipulating it to their benefit or their demise. While some are healers, other use the rituals granted by their deity or source of power…

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